Wednesday, July 28, 2010

TWO DAYS!!?! The packing saga continues...

I'm leaving on Friday (as in the day after tomorrow, Friday) for the 4 hour drive up to Seattle followed by the 12 hour direct flight to Taipei.  I'm attempting to pack lightly, one overflowing suitcase vs. two, but so much of my valuable space is being taken up by GIFTS!  I'm bringing lots of Made in Oregon chocolates and Seaside-style salt water taffy, because everyone loves candy!  Layered over the chocolate is a year's supply of American essentials - vitamins, a serious supply of OTC medications, and tampons.  In my experience, going to Asian (both Chinese and Thai) pharmacies without fluently speaking the language is not always the best idea.  This time, I come prepared with NyQuil and loads of Ibuprofen.

Since camp ended last weekend, I've finally started looking into life in Yilan.  From what I can tell, it's more or less the Seaside of Taiwan -- a perpetually grey, rainy, and humid rural beach town, separated from Taipei by an hour's drive worth of lush mountains.  Think a never-ending cloud cover's gonna get me down? Haaa, think again!

Anyways, I've still got a few things to buy before shipping out.  I misplaced my trusty Chinese dictionary and now need to buy a new one, hopefully along with a copy of Dave Eggers' "What is the What."  I also need to download the latest Top40 hits (143, anyone?) and read the final 300 pages of the TESL book assigned by Fulbright Yilan.

All in all, I've had an awesome summer just hanging out at the coast and the lack of anything to do has made me super ready to KTV my little heart out in Taiwan.  I'm posting some of my very summer favorite photos below.

Hanging out at the girls' pool in Portland

I really, really <3 camp

While walking around downtown Seaside with my 4 y.o. neighbor and buddy, Gil, it didn't occur to me how much we probably looked like our own little family.  That is, until the creepy Seaside Candy Man pointed it out... "Here son, take some taffy for your girl and daughter."

Family beach portrait

Monday, July 5, 2010

Counting down

With less than a month before departure, I'm officially ready to go!  My plane ticket has been purchased thanks to the Yilan County government, my Resident Visa arrived in the mail a few days ago, and my heavy-duty rain clothes have been ordered.  Now I just need to stock up on granola bars and instant coffee...

In the meantime, here's some info on Taiwan and Yilan for you to peruse at your leisure.

CIA World Factbook - Taiwan 
Wikipedia - Taiwan
Wikipedia - Yilan
Republic of China (Taiwan) Government Information Office