Sunday, April 24, 2011

Green Expo

The best days of school (for the students, at least) are always always always FIELD TRIP days!!!

This Friday, all four 6th grade classes -- about 120 kids -- packed up and went on an all-day field trip to the Yilan county garbage / recycling center and the bigger (and understandably more popular) Yilan Green Expo.

This was my first time hanging out with my kids outside of school and it was awesome!  They were all very well behaved and we had a good time walking around in the sunshine.

The single highlight of the garbage and recycling center was this GIANT claw machine that picked up bunches of garbage to be dropped into a trash compactor.  I was pretty creeped out by it (reminded me too much of all those futuristic machines you see destroying the human race in movies) but the kids all thought it was awesome.

Next, it was off to the very well-publicized Yilan Green Expo.  There are posters all over NE Taiwan advertising the Green Expo and its "Return to Nature" theme.  The Expo doesn't open to the public until next month but for now only hosts special visiting tour groups and schools.

I spent my afternoon walking around the Expo with a group of 5 lovely girls.  We looked at cool fish, played on a bootcamp-style equipment playground, looked at cute animals, ate ice cream and sushi, and rode on a railroad cart -- just like in Donkey Kong!  

Despite all the press, I didn't think the Expo was all that great.  From what I've heard, last year's was a lot bigger and better.  However, it was in a beautiful location and we couldn't have asked for better weather or more ice cream.


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