Sunday, August 22, 2010


I will be taking my scooter license test on Tuesday, and am deep in the process of studying for the written exam portion.  Driving is all about morals.

Here are some sample questions:

Traffic rules and an orderly traffic are a requirement for drivers. It has nothing to do with driving morals. FALSE

The car behind me is overtaking because he wants to avoid dusts. I also hate dusts. Therefore, I have to overtake him after he overtakes me.  FALSE

Yielding and forgiveness are the best way to demonstrate driving morals. TRUE

Kindness, manner, self-control, and responsibility are the minimum requirements for motorcycle drivers. TRUE

To show off driving skills, drivers may hold the steering wheel with one hand and hold a cigarette with the other hand. FALSE

Those who are mentally retarded, blind, or epilepsy are not eligible to take motorcycle driver’s license test. TRUE

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mimi... I finally figured out how to respond on your blog. I love Taipei's driving-test questions. We need them here. Have fun.
    (For your room-mate's sake, keep that gas turned off!)
    Love, Dad
